Arsenic(III) oxide 三氧化二砷
CAS 1327-53-3 MFCD00003433
- {Chemicalbook} 无机化工产品: 无机盐: Ct氧化物
- {SA} A, AR to AZ, Acaricides, Alphabetic, Analytical Standards, Analytical/Chromatography, Application CRMs, Arsenic, Certified Reference Materials (CRMs), Chromatography, Environmental Standards, Materials Science, Metal and Ceramic Science, Oxides, Pe
- {uni_hamburg} no charge; 5fragments; ionic
- ACS Grade, Arsenic, Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry, Chemical Synthesis, Essential Chemicals, Inorganic Salts, Solutions and Reagents, Materials Science, Metal and Ceramic Science, Oxides, Research Essentials
- Merck 14 ,804
- Aldrich MSDS 1 , 137:B / Corp MSDS 1 (1), 309:D / RegBook 1 (3), 3277:F / Sax 6 , 322
- Short: III/20c Title: Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy Data: Nuclei Zr ... Bi. Diagrams, Structure formulas, Indexes Author: Chihara, H.; Nakamura, N. Editor: Hellwege, K.-H.; Hellwege, A.M. Source: Landolt-Börnstein, New Series Volume: III/20c Year: 1989 Keyword: NQR ISBN: 3-540-18490-2 ISBN: 978-3-540-18490-4 Internet Resource: DOI:10.1007/b35374 RefComment: 562 figs., IX,802 pages. Hardcover Abstract: Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy has become a standard method for structural research in molecular and solid state physics as well as for different branches of chemistry. The volumes cover data for more than 8,000 substances in the solid state. Data for free molecules have been published in volumes II/14 and II/15 of the New Series. The tables are arranged according to the atomic number of the elements.
- Short: III/39 Title: Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy Data Author: Chihara, H.; Nakamura, N. Editor: Chihara, H. Source: Landolt-Börnstein, New Series Volume: III/39 Year: 1997 Keyword: NQR; spectroscopy ISBN: 3-540-62428-7 ISBN: 978-3-540-62428-8 Internet Resource: DOI:10.1007/b61951 RefComment: VIII, 424 pages. Hardcover Abstract: Volume III/39 continues the compilation of nuclear quadrupole resonance spectroscopy data of solid substances which started in with volumes III/20 and III/31. The literature from the beginning of nuclear quadrupole resonance spectroscopy in 1951 to 1996 is covered. In total there are more than 10.000 substances in the volumes, showing the scope and significance of nuclear quadrupole resonance spectroscopy up to recent times. Volume III/39 can be consulted without recourse to its predecessor because the complete introduction and general tables are repeated from III/20 and III/31.
- Short: III/41C Title: Semiconductors: Non-
GHS Symbol

- P264 Wash hands thoroughly after handling. 处理后要彻底洗净双手。
- P273 Avoid release to the environment. 避免释放到环境中。
- P301+P310
- P280 Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection. 戴防护手套/防护服/眼睛的保护物/面部保护物。
- P305+P351+P338
- P201 Obtain special instructions before use. 使用前获取专门指示。
- P310 Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician. 立即呼救解毒中心或医生/医师。
- H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage 导致严重的皮肤灼伤和眼睛损伤
- H350 May cause cancer 可能致癌
- H410 Verytoxictoaquaticlifewithlonglastingeffects 对水生生物毒性非常大并具有长期影响。
- H300 Fatal if swallowed 吞食致命
- S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible) 发生事故时或感觉不适时,立即求医(可能时出示标签);
- S53 Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use 避免接触,使用前获得特别指示说明;
- S60 This material and its container must be disposed of as hazardous waste 该物质及其容器必须作为危险废物处置;
- S61 Avoid release to the environment. Refer to special instructions/safety data sheet 避免释放到环境中,参考特别指示/安全收据说明书;
- R34 Causes burns 会导致灼伤
- R45 May cause cancer 可能致癌
- R50/53
- R28 Very toxic if swallowed 吞咽极毒
TYPE OF TEST : TD - Toxic dose (other than lowest) ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Intratracheal SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - hamster DOSE/DURATION : 40 mg/kg/15W-I TOXIC EFFECTS : Tumorigenic - equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria Lungs, Thorax, or Respiration - tumors REFERENCE : CALEDQ Cancer Letters (Shannon, Ireland). (Elsevier Scientific Pub. Ireland Ltd., POB 85, Limerick, Ireland) V.1- 1975- Volume(issue)/page/year: 21,141,1983
TYPE OF TEST : TDLo - Lowest published toxic dose ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Intratracheal SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - rat DOSE/DURATION : 16 mg/kg/15W-I TOXIC EFFECTS : Tumorigenic - equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria Lungs, Thorax, or Respiration - tumors REFERENCE : EVHPAZ EHP, Environmental Health Perspectives. (U.S. Government Printing Office, Supt of Documents, Washington, DC 20402) No.1- 1972- Volume(issue)/page/year: 19,191,1977
TYPE OF TEST : TD - Toxic dose (other than lowest) ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Intratracheal SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - rat DOSE/DURATION : 75 mg/kg/15W-I TOXIC EFFECTS : Tumorigenic - equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria Lungs, Thorax, or Respiration - tumors REFERENCE : FKIZA4 Fukuoka Igaku Z
TYPE OF TEST : TD - Toxic dose (other than lowest) ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Intratracheal SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - hamster DOSE/DURATION : 39608 ug/kg/24W-I TOXIC EFFECTS : Tumorigenic - equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria Lungs, Thorax, or Respiration - tumors REFERENCE : JOUOD4 Journal of UOEH (University of Occupational and Environmental Health). (Univ. of Occupational and Environmental Health, 1-1 Iseigaoka, Yahata-nishi-ku, Kitakyushu 807, Japan) V.1- 1979- Volume(issue)/page/year: 5(Suppl),109,1983
TYPE OF TEST : LDLo - Lowest published lethal dose ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Intradermal SPECIES OBSERVED : Bird - pigeon DOSE/DURATION : 100 mg/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Details of toxic effects not reported other than lethal dose value REFERENCE : HBAMAK "Abdernalden's Handbuch der Biologischen Arbeitsmethoden." (Leipzig, Ger. Dem. Rep.) Volume(issue)/page/year: 4,1306,1935
TYPE OF TEST : LDLo - Lowest published lethal dose ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Subcutaneous SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - rat DOSE/DURATION : 8 mg/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Skin and Appendages - corrosive (after topical exposure) REFERENCE : JPETAB Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. (Williams & Wilkins Co., 428 E. Preston St., Baltimore, MD 21202) V.1- 1909/10- Volume(issue)/page/year: 19,337,1922
TYPE OF TEST : LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent kill ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Subcutaneous SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - mouse DOSE/DURATION : 9800 ug/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Details of toxic effects not reported other than lethal dose value REFERENCE : PSEBAA Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. (Academic Press, Inc., 1 E. First St., Duluth, MN 55802) V.1- 1903/04- Volume(issue)/page/year: 78,392,1951
TYPE OF TEST : LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent kill ROUTE OF EXPO
TYPE OF TEST : LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent kill ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Intravenous SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - mouse DOSE/DURATION : 10700 ug/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Details of toxic effects not reported other than lethal dose value REFERENCE : PSEBAA Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. (Academic Press, Inc., 1 E. First St., Duluth, MN 55802) V.1- 1903/04- Volume(issue)/page/year: 78,392,1951
TYPE OF TEST : Cytogenetic analysis TEST SYSTEM : Human Leukocyte DOSE/DURATION : 1200 nmol/L REFERENCE : MUREAV Mutation Research. (Elsevier Science Pub. B.V., POB 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands) V.1- 1964- Volume(issue)/page/year: 88,73,1981
TYPE OF TEST : Cytogenetic analysis TEST SYSTEM : Rodent - mouse Cells - not otherwise specified DOSE/DURATION : 28500 ug/m3 REFERENCE : JJATDK JAT, Journal of Applied Toxicology. (John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Baffins Lane, Chichester, W. Sussex PO19 1UD, UK) V.1- 1981- Volume(issue)/page/year: 5,61,1985
TYPE OF TEST : Cytogenetic analysis ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Oral TEST SYSTEM : Rodent - mouse DOSE/DURATION : 3696 mg/kg REFERENCE : CYTOAN Cytologia. (Japan Pub. Trading Co. (USA), 1255 Howard St., San Francisco, CA 94103) V.1- 1929- Volume(issue)/page/year: 52,445,1987
TYPE OF TEST : DNA repair TEST SYSTEM : Bacteria - Bacillus subtilis DOSE/DURATION : 50 mmol/L REFERENCE : MUREAV Mutation Research. (Elsevier Science Pub. B.V., POB 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands) V.1- 1964- Volume(issue)/page/year: 77,109,1980
TYPE OF TEST : Unscheduled DNA synthesis TEST SYSTEM : Human Lung DOSE/DURATION : 1 umol/L REFERENCE : MUREAV Mutation Research. (Elsevier Science Pub. B.V., POB 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands) V.1- 1964- Volume(issue)/page/year: 315,11,1994
TYPE OF TEST : Micronucleus test ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Intraperitoneal TEST SYSTEM : Rodent - mouse DOSE/DURATION : 1 mg/kg REFERENCE : GNKAA5 Genetika (Moscow). For English translation, see SOGEBZ. (V/O Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga, 113095 Moscow, USS
TYPE OF TEST : TDLo - Lowest published toxic dose ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Oral SPECIES OBSERVED : Human - woman DOSE : 600 mg/kg SEX/DURATION : female 30 week(s) after conception TOXIC EFFECTS : Reproduct
TYPE OF TEST : TDLo - Lowest published toxic dose ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Oral SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - mouse DOSE : 8250 ug/kg SEX/DURATION : female 7-17 day(s) after conception TOXIC EFFECTS : Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities - immune and reticuloendothelial system Reproductive - Effects on Newborn - behavioral REFERENCE : CHYCDW Zhonghua Yufangyixue Zazhi. Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine. (China International Book Trading Corp., POB 2820, Beijing, Peop. Rep. China) Beginning history not known. Volume(issue)/page/year: 28,20,1994
TYPE OF TEST : TDLo - Lowest published toxic dose ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Oral SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - mouse DOSE : 1650 ug/kg SEX/DURATION : female 7-17 day(s) after conception TOXIC EFFECTS : Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities - Central Nervous System REFERENCE : CHYCDW Zhonghua Yufangyixue Zazhi. Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine. (China International Book Trading Corp., POB 2820, Beijing, Peop. Rep. China) Beginning history not known. Volume(issue)/page/year: 28,20,1994
TYPE OF TEST : TCLo - Lowest published toxic concentration ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Inhalation SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - mouse DOSE : 28500 ug/m3/4H SEX/DURATION : female 9-12 day(s) after conception TOXIC EFFECTS : Reproductive - Effects on Embryo or Fetus - cytological changes (including somatic cell genetic material) Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities - musculo
- {Chemicalbo
- 毒性分级:剧毒
- Acros Organics:三氧化二砷 Arsenic(III)oxide,99.5%(1327-53-3)
- 可燃性危险特性:不可燃物质; 遇热放出有毒硫氧化物; 硫化氢;砷化物蒸气
- 类别:农药
- 无机砷类杀虫剂:三氧化二砷是一种无机砷类杀虫剂,又称氧化亚砷、亚砷酸酐,俗称砒霜、信石、白砒。化学式As2O3。纯品为白色晶体,易溶于碱,稍溶于水,溶解度在0℃时为1.2%,100℃时为11.5%,水溶液含亚砷酸HAsO2。在稀盐酸(1.5~2.5摩/升)中溶解度极小,浓盐酸中溶解度增大,生成三氯化砷。溶于酒精。浓硝酸、氯、碘能把三氧化二砷氧化为五氧化二砷,锡(Ⅱ)等将其还原为金属砷。三氧化二砷是两性偏酸的化合物,酸性高于碱性易溶于碱生成亚砷酸盐。有两种晶型: ①砷华型立方晶体,熔点275℃,密度3.865克/厘米3(25℃),是常见的晶型。 ②白砷石型单斜晶体,熔点312.3℃,相对密度4.15。温度再高时成为玻璃状体,相对密度3.738,193℃开始升华。 液体三氧化二砷在457.2℃沸腾。As2O3蒸气的分子量相当于二聚物As4O6,高于800℃开始离解为As2O3,1800℃时几乎完全离解。三氧化二砷有剧毒,中毒症状为腹痛呕泻,致死量为0.1克。用胶态的氢氧化铁或氢氧化镁悬浮液可解毒。 三氧化二砷是制备砷衍生物的主要原料,用于制造杀虫剂、除草剂、防腐剂,还用于提炼金属砷,制备砷合金、半导体材料、涂料和染料等。 在玻璃工业中用作澄清剂、消色剂,还可用于制搪瓷、保存皮革以及制造各种含砷药物。 亚砷酸酐对害虫有胃毒作用,在有机杀虫剂问世前,农业上用于配制毒饵,防治地下害虫及蝗虫,也可用作除草剂。对人、畜剧毒,农业上已停用。 砒霜是烈性毒物,内服-0.1克就可致死。但服用微量可作为补血药和强壮药,常制成极稀的K3AsO3溶液使用。它还可用于治疗慢性骨髓性白血病。在家畜饲料中加微量三氧化二砷可促进生长和体力增强。若三氧化二砷中毒应立即送医院抢救,服用新制氢氧化亚铁悬浮液 (用FeSO4和MgO溶液强烈摇晃制得)也有一定的解毒作用。砷在化学药物中的用途日益广泛,世界上现已有55种工业产品要
- 毒性:致癌!致死量(经口人)60 mg。慢性中毒能造成胃肠功能紊乱,导致周期性结肠炎、慢性肝炎,重者可肝硬变。对黏膜、皮肤、神经系统、肾和心脏有损害。粉尘中毒时,首先看到黏膜、眼和皮肤的改变。急性经口中毒时,采用催吐、洗胃,静脉注射葡萄糖溶液措施。对皮肤疾患可用抗坏血酸和静脉注射硫代硫酸钠等。最高容许浓度为0.3 mg/m 3 。操作时要戴防毒口罩,佩戴防护眼镜,穿防尘工作服和贴身内衣,戴橡皮、塑料或结实布做的手套,严格遵守个人卫生措施。
- 储运特性:库房通风低温干燥; 与食品分开储运
- 爆炸物危险特性:与RBC2, CLF3, F2, HG, OF2, NACLO3 反应激烈
- 防护措施:致癌!致死量(经口入)60mg。慢性中毒能造成胃肠功能紊乱,导致周期性结肠炎、慢性肝炎,重者可肝硬变。对粘膜、皮肤、神经系统、肾和心脏有损害。粉尘中毒时,首先看到粘膜、眼和皮肤的改变。急性经口中毒时,采用催吐、洗胃,静脉注射葡萄糖溶液措施。对皮肤疾患可用抗坏血酸和静脉注射硫代硫酸钠等。 最高容许浓度为0.3mg/m3。 操作时要戴防毒口罩,配戴防护眼镜,穿防尘工作服和贴身内衣,戴像皮、塑料或结实布做的手套,严格遵守个人卫生措施。
- 用途三:用于提炼元素砷。
- Sigma Aldrich:1327-53-3(sigmaaldrich)
- Alfa Aesar:氧化砷,Puratronic|r,99.996%(metalsbasisexcludingSb),Sb20ppmmax Arsenic(III) oxide, Puratronic, 99.996% (metals basis excluding Sb), Sb 20ppm max(1327-53-3)
- 外观性质:无臭无味的白色粉末。
- 参考质量标准:参考标准 指标名称 指标 甲级 乙级 丙级 三氧化二砷(As2O3)/%≥ 99.0 97.0 93.0 白度/度≥ 70 55 30 细度(通过率≥98%)/目 60 40 40