2-Nitroaniline 2-硝基苯胺
CAS 88-74-4 MFCD00007687
- {Chemicalbook} 农药中间体: 杀菌剂中间体: 苯并咪唑类杀菌剂
- {SNA} Amines, Building Blocks, C6, Chemical Synthesis, NLO Chromophores and Intermediates, Nitrogen Compounds, Non-Linear Optical (NLO) Materials, Organic Building Blocks, Organic and Printed Electronics, Photonic and Optical Materials, 材料科学
- {SNA} Analytical Reagents,
- Alpha Sort, Alphabetic, Amines, Analytical Standards, Analytical/Chromatography, Aromatics, Chemical Class, Chromatography, Environmental Standards, N, N-O, NA - NI, Volatiles/ Semivolatiles
- {SNA} Amines,
- {uni_hamburg} no charge; carbocycle; aromatic; 6RingOnly; 6ring; 1fragment
- 本品测定微量碘化物,是重要的有机合成中间体。
- Short: II/27B
- Merck: 14,6583 Beilstein: 12,IV,1563
- Short: II/27C
- Merck: 14,6583
GHS Symbol

- H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour 高度易燃液体和蒸气
- H301 Toxic if swallowed 吞食有毒
- H301+H311+H331
- H311 Toxic in contact with skin 皮肤接触中毒
- H331 Toxic if inhaled 吸入中毒
- H370 Causes damage to organs 导致器官损伤
- H373 May causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure 长期或频繁接触可能会损伤器官
- H412 Harmfutoaquaticlifewithlonglastingeffects 对水生生物有害并具有长期影响。
- P201 Obtain special instructions before use. 使用前获取专门指示。
- P202 Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood. 已阅读并理解所有的安全预防措施之前,切勿操作。
- P260 Do not breathe dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray. 不要吸入粉尘/烟/气体/烟雾/蒸汽/喷雾。
- P261 Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray. 避免吸入粉尘/烟/气体/烟雾/蒸汽/喷雾。
- P264 Wash hands thoroughly after handling. 处理后要彻底洗净双手。
- P270 Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. 使用本产品时不要吃东西,喝水或吸烟。
- P271 Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.? 只能在室外或通风良好的地方使用。
- P273 Avoid release to the environment. 避免释放到环境中。
- P280 Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection. 戴防护手套/防护服/眼睛的保护物/面部保护物。
- P301+P310
- P301+P310+P330
- P302+P352+P312+P361+P364
- P304+P340+P311
- P305+P351+P338+P337+P313
- P308+P313
- P311 Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician. 呼叫解毒中心或医生/医师。
- P403+P233
- P405 Store locked up. 上锁保管。
- P501 Dispose of contents/container to..… 处理内容物/容器.....
- S61 Avoid release to the environment. Refer to special instructions/safety data sheet 避免释放到环境中,参考特别指示/安全收据说明书;
- S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible) 发生事故时或感觉不适时,立即求医(可能时出示标签);
- S28 After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of ... (to be specified by the manufacturer) 皮肤接触后,立即用大量…(由生产厂家指定)冲洗;
- S36/37 Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves 穿戴适当的防护服和手套;
- S7 Keep container tightly closed 保存在严格密闭容器中;
- S16 Keep away from sources of ignition - No smoking 远离火源,禁止吸烟;
- S26 In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice 眼睛接触后,立即用大量水冲洗并征求医生意见;
- S36/37/39 Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection 穿戴适当的防护服、手套和眼睛/面保护;
- R52/53
- R23/24/25 Toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed 吸入,皮肤接触及吞食都有毒
- R33 Danger of cumulative effects 有累积作用的危险
- R36/37/38 Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin 对眼睛、呼吸系统和皮肤有刺激性
- R39/23/24/25 Toxic: danger of very serious irreversible effects through inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed 毒性:吸入,皮肤接触和吞食都会产生十分严重的不可逆危险
- R11 Highly flammable 非常易燃
TYPE OF TEST : LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent kill ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Oral SPECIES OBSERVED : Bird - wild bird species DOSE/DURATION : 750 mg/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Details of toxic effects not reported other than lethal dose value REFERENCE : AECTCV Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. (Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., Service Center, 44 Hartz Way, Secaucus, NJ 070944) V.1- 1973- Volume(issue)/page/year: 12,355,1983
TYPE OF TEST : LDLo - Lowest published lethal dose ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Intraperitoneal SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - rat DOSE/DURATION : 800 mg/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Details of toxic effects not reported other than lethal dose value REFERENCE : 85GMAT "Toxicometric Parameters of Industrial Toxic Chemicals Under Single Exposure," Izmerov, N.F., et al., Moscow, Centre of International Projects, GKNT, 1982 Volume(issue)/page/year: -,91,1982
TYPE OF TEST : LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent kill ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Oral SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - guinea pig DOSE/DURATION : 2350 mg/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Behavioral - somnolence (general depressed activity) Behavioral - convulsions or effect on seizure threshold REFERENCE : VKMGA7 Voprosy Kommunal'noi Gigieny. Problems of Communal Hygiene. (Kiev, USSR) V.6, 1966. For publisher information, see GNAMAP. Volume(issue)/page/year: 6,89,1966
TYPE OF TEST : LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent kill ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Unreported SPECIES OBSERVED : Mammal - species unspecified DOSE/DURATION : 9441 mg/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Details of toxic effects not reported other than lethal dose value REFERENCE : GISAAA Gigiena i Sanitariya. For English translation, see HYSAAV. (V/O Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga, 113095 Moscow, USSR) V.1- 1936- Volume(issu
TYPE OF TEST : DNA repair TEST SYSTEM : Bacteria - Bacillus subtilis DOSE/DURATION : 5 mg/disc REFERENCE : MUREAV Mutation Research. (Elsevier Science Pub. B.V., POB 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands) V.1- 1964- Volume(issue)/page/year: 170,11,1986
TYPE OF TEST : Cytogenetic analysis TEST SYSTEM : Rodent - hamster Ovary DOSE/DURATION : 10 mmol/L REFERENCE : MUREAV Mutation Research. (Elsevier Science Pub. B.V., POB 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands) V.1- 1964- Volume(issue)/page/year: 320,273,1994
TYPE OF TEST : Mutation in microorganisms TEST SYSTEM : Bacteria - Salmonella typhimurium DOSE/DURATION : 50 ug/plate REFERENCE : MUREAV Mutation Research. (Elsevier Science Pub. B.V., POB 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands) V.1- 1964- Volume(issue)/page/year: 44,9,1977
TYPE OF TEST : DNA repair TEST SYSTEM : Bacteria - Escherichia coli DOSE/DURATION : 15500 ng/well REFERENCE : MUREAV Mutation Research. (Elsevier Science Pub. B.V., POB 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands) V.1- 1964- Volume(issue)/page/year: 133,161,1984
TYPE OF TEST : Micronucleus test ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Oral TEST SYSTEM : Rodent - mouse DOSE/DURATION : 738 mg/kg REFERENCE : MUREAV Mutation Research. (Elsevier Science Pub. B.V., POB 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands) V.1- 1964- Volume(issue)/page/year: 320,273,1994
- 用途一:用作染料中间体和照相防灰剂原料,亦可用于农药多菌灵的生产
- 方法二:将邻硝基氯苯加入盛有一定浓度氨水的高压釜中,于185-190℃、4-4.5MPa下,进行氨解,生成邻硝基苯胺粗品再经冷却、结晶、过滤,即得成品。原料消耗定额:邻硝基氯苯1156kg/t、液氨648kg/t。
- MO
- 毒性分级:中毒
- 方法一:其制备方法是由邻氯硝基苯经氨解而得,工艺为在14.7 MPa压力和230℃温度下于高压管道反应器内连续进行,当邻氯硝基苯和氨进入反应管道,停留20min,经气动薄膜调节阀一次降压至98kPa压力,然后进入膨胀槽蒸发脱氨,蒸发出来的氨经喷射泵进入吸氨排管进行循环吸收,补加部分液氨后继续供氨解用,脱氨的物料经后处理即得产品。
- 与无机酸生成水溶性盐。溶于热水、醇和氯仿,微溶于冷水。低毒,半数致死量(大鼠,经口)1600mg/kg。有刺激性。
- 职业标准:STEL 0.5 毫克/立方米
- 检测方法:GC,NMR
- Acros Organics:2-硝基苯胺 2-Nitroaniline, 98%(88-74-4)
- 类别:有毒物品
- Alfa Aesar:2-硝基苯胺,98% 2-Nitroaniline, 98%(88-74-4)
- 用途二:邻硝基苯胺是杀菌剂多菌灵、苯菌灵、甲基硫菌灵、噻菌灵和杀虫剂喹硫磷的中间体。
- MSDS 信息:邻硝基苯胺(88-74-4).msds
- 可燃性危险特性:明火可燃; 燃烧产生有毒氮氧化物烟雾
- 储运特性:库房通风低温干燥; 与氧化剂、酸类、食品添加剂分开存放
- Sigma Aldrich:88-74-4(sigmaaldrich)
- 海关编码:29214210
- 下游产品:1,2-苯二胺 --> 邻氯硝基苯 --> 2-[3-(2H-苯并三唑-2-基)-4-羟基苯基]乙基 2-甲基丙烯酸酯 --> 3,5-二氯苯胺 --> 阿苯达唑 --> 吡咯咪唑 --> 4-丙硫基邻苯二胺 --> 4,7-二苯基-1,10-菲罗啉 --> 奥拉多司 --> 2-巯基苯并咪唑 --> 2-溴苯胺 --> 1,2-二硝基苯 --> 还原红 14 --> 8-硝基喹啉 --> 颜料黄 5 --> 1-溴-2-硝基苯 --> 美喹多司 --> 2-硝基-4-硫氰基苯胺 --> 分散黄119 --> 2-硝基乙酰苯胺
- 色指数:37025
- 图谱信息:2-硝基苯胺(88-74-4)核磁图( 1 HNMR) 2-硝基苯胺(88-74-4)核磁图( 13 CNMR) 2-硝基苯胺(88-74-4)质谱(MS) 2-硝基苯胺(88-74-4)红外图谱(IR2) 2-硝基苯胺(88-74-4)红外图谱(IR1)
- 2-硝基苯胺价格(试剂级):更新日期 产品编号 产品名称 包装 价格 2011/08/23 80089660 2-硝基苯胺(易制爆) 100g 37.5元 2011/08/23 80089670 2-硝基苯胺(易制爆) kg 19.8元 2010/06/21 128351000 2-硝基苯胺 2-Nitroaniline 98% 100 GR 293元
- 用途三:该品为冰染染料色基(橙色基 GC),以及其他染料中间体,可用于手棉麻织物的染色,还可制得色淀。亦是橡胶防老剂MB、农药多菌灵、光稳定剂UV-P的中间体。
- 上游原料:氨 --> 邻氯硝基苯
- TCI Shanghai:2-硝基苯胺 2-Nitroaniline,>;99.0%(GC)(88-74-4)
- 外观性质:橙黄色针状结晶。
- F:8
- 用途四:本品测定微量碘化物,是重要的有机合成中间体,染料中间体,是生产染料、橡胶防老剂和农药多菌灵的原料。
- 灭火剂:雾状水、泡沫、二氧化碳、砂土
- 急性毒性:口服