Methyl [5-(Propylthio)Benzimidazol-2-yl]Carbamate 丙硫咪唑
CAS 54965-21-8 MFCD00083232
- Sulfur & Selenium Compounds
- {SNA} Analytical Standards, EP Standards, EP Standards A - B, Pharmacopeia & Metrological Institutes Standards, 分析/色谱
- Heterocycles
- {SNA} A, AA to AL, Alphabetical Index of Analytical Standards, Analytical Standards, Analytical/Chromatography, Antibiotics, Antibiotics A to Z, Antibiotics A-F, Antiparasitic / Antiprotozoal / Anthelminthic, Benzimidazoles, Chemical Structure Class,
- Pharmaceuticals
- {SNA} Additional Standards, Analytical Standards, Chromatography, Pharmaceutical Secondary Standards, P
- {SNA} Analytical Standards, Pharmacopeia & Metrological Institutes Standards, USP Standards, USP Standards A - B, 分析/色谱
- 该品为高效、广谱驱虫新药,对肝片吸虫,绦虫、肺和胃肠道线虫均有显著药效。为苯并咪唑类药物中租用最强的一种,是目前防治畜禽寄生虫病的首选药物。该品对牛、羊肝片吸虫成虫和幼虫,大片吸虫均有效,减虫率可达90-100%,今年来,发现该品对牛囊尾蚴亦有很强的作用,治疗后囊尾蚴减少,病灶消失。此外,改频还可用于预防寄生虫的感染,因此对于促进绵羊的生长增加羊毛产量,均可收到较好的效果。
- Zhao, Y., et al.: Org. Biomol. Chem., 6, 4509 (2008),
- Merck: 14,210
- Sanderson, H., et al.: Toxicol. Lett., 187, 84 (2009),
- S24/25 Avoid contact with skin and eyes 避免皮肤和眼睛接触;
- S36/37 Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves 穿戴适当的防护服和手套;
- R33 Danger of cumulative effects 有累积作用的危险
GHS Symbol

- H373 May causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure 长期或频繁接触可能会损伤器官
- H303 May be harmfully swallowed 吞食可能有害
- P201 Obtain special instructions before use. 使用前获取专门指示。
- P202 Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood. 已阅读并理解所有的安全预防措施之前,切勿操作。
- P261 Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray. 避免吸入粉尘/烟/气体/烟雾/蒸汽/喷雾。
- P262 Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. 不要接触眼睛,皮肤或衣服。
- P271 Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.? 只能在室外或通风良好的地方使用。
- P280 Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection. 戴防护手套/防护服/眼睛的保护物/面部保护物。
- P281 Use personal protective equipment as required. 使用所需的个人防护装备。
- P302+P350
- P304+P340+P312
- P308+P313
- P405 Store locked up. 上锁保管。
- P501 Dispose of contents/container to..… 处理内容物/容器.....
TYPE OF TEST : LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent kill ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Oral SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - rat DOSE/DURATION : 2400 mg/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Details of toxic effects not reported other than lethal dose value REFERENCE : APFRAD Annales Pharmaceutiques Francaises. (SPPIF, B.P.22, F-41353 Vineuil, France) V.1- 1943- Volume(issue)/page/year: 40,55,1982
TYPE OF TEST : LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent kill ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Oral SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - mouse DOSE/DURATION : 1500 mg/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Details of toxic effects not reported other than lethal dose value REFERENCE : ALSMAS Acta Leidensia. (Institute of Tropical Medicine Rotterman-Leiden, Wassenaarseweg 62, 2333 AL Leiden, Netherlands) (Suspended 1942-45); V.1- 1925/26- Volume(issue)/page/year: 57,201,1989
TYPE OF TEST : LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent kill ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Oral SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - hamster DOSE/DURATION : >10 gm/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Details of toxic effects not reported other than lethal dose value REFERENCE : NIIRDN Drugs in Japan (Ethical Drugs). (Yakugyo Jiho Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) Volume(issue)/page/year: -,99,1995
TYPE OF TEST : LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent kill ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Intravenous SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - rat DOSE/DURATION : 265 mg/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Details of toxic effects not reported other than lethal dose value REFERENCE : NIIRDN Drugs in Japan (Ethical Drugs). (Yakugyo Jiho Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) Volume(issue)/page/year: -,99,1995
TYPE OF TEST : Sex chromosome loss and nondisjunction TEST SYSTEM : Yeast - Saccharomyces cerevisiae DOSE/DURATION : 20 mg/L REFERENCE : MUREAV Mutation Research. (Elsevier Science Pub. B.V., POB 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands) V.1- 1964- Volume(issue)/page/year: 343,185,1995
TYPE OF TEST : TDLo - Lowest published toxic dose ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Oral SPECIES OB
TYPE OF TEST : TDLo - Lowest published toxic dose ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Oral SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - rat DOSE : 85 mg/kg SEX/DURATION : female 8-15 day(s) after conception TOXIC EFFECTS : Reproductive - Effects on Embryo or Fetus - fetal death REFERENCE : ARCVBP Annales Recherches Veterinaires. (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Service des Publ., Route de Saint-Cyr, 78000 Versailles, France) V.1- 1970- Volume(issue)/page/year: 12,159,1981
TYPE OF TEST : TDLo - Lowest published toxic dose ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Oral SPECIES OBSERVED : Mammal - domestic DOSE : 20 mg/kg SEX/DURATION : female 17 day(s) after conception TOXIC EFFECTS : Reproductive - Effects on Newborn - weaning or lactation index (e.g., # alive at weaning per # alive at day 4) REFERENCE : AMSHAR Acta Morphologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. (Budapest, Hungary) V.1-30, 1951-82. Volume(issue)/page/year: 28,226,1980
TYPE OF TEST : TDLo - Lowest published toxic dose ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Oral SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - rat DOSE : 60 mg/kg SEX/DURATION : female 10-12 day(s) after conception TOXIC EFFECTS : Reproductive - Effects on Embryo or Fetus - fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus) Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities - Central Nervous System Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities - other developmental abnormalities REFERENCE : REPTED Reproductive Toxicology. (Pergamon Press Inc., Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, NY 10523) V.1- 1987- Volume(issue)/page/year: 9,265,1995
- 微溶于有机溶剂,不溶于水。无臭。