2-(2-(4-((4-Chlorophenyl)(Phenyl)Methyl)Piperazin-1-Yl)Ethoxy)Ethanol Dihydrochloride 2-(2-(4-((4-氯苯基)(苯基)甲基)哌嗪-1-基)乙氧基)乙醇二盐酸盐
CAS 2192-20-3 MFCD00058200
- {SNA} Application Index, Biochemicals and Reagents, Cell Signaling Enzymes, Drug and Xenobiotic Metabolism, Enzymes, Inhibitors, and Substrates, H, Inhibitors, Multi-Drug Resistance and Drug Metabolism, Substrates, Inducers, Inhibitors, Xenobiotics and Drug Metabolism, 生物活性小分子, 细胞信号转导和神经科学, 细胞生物学
- {SNA} Application Index, Bioactive Small Molecule Alphabetical Index, Cell Signaling Enzymes, Drug and Xenobiotic Metabolism, H, Inhibitors, Multi-Drug Resistance and Drug Metabolism, Substrates, Inducers, Inhibitors, Xenobiotics and Drug Metabolism, 生化试剂, 生物活性小分子,
- H1 receptor antagonist. Anxiolytic. Antihistaminic.
- [2]. Morichi, R. and G. Pepeu, A study of the influence of hydroxyzine and diazepam on morphine antinociceptoion in the rat. Pain, 1979. 7(2): p. 173-80.
- [3]. Nikita Shekhar Sawantdesai, et al. Evaluation of anxiolytic effects of aripiprazole and hydroxyzine as a combination in mice. J Basic Clin Pharm. 2016 Sep;7(4):97-104.
- Goldenthal, E.I., et al.: Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 18, 185 (1971),
- [1]. Minogiannis, P., et al., Hydroxyzine inhibits neurogenic bladder mast cell activation. Int J Immunopharmacol, 1998. 20(10): p. 553-63.
- [1]. Minogiannis, P., et al., Hydroxyzine inhibits neurogenic bladder mast cell activation. Int J Immunopharmacol, 1998. 20(10): p. 553-63.
- [2]. Morichi, R. and G. Pepeu, A study of the influence of hydroxyzine and diazepam on morphine antinociceptoion in the rat. Pain, 1979. 7(2): p. 173-80.
- [3]. Nikita Shekhar Sawantdesai, et al. Evaluation of anxiolytic effects of aripiprazole and hydroxyzine as a co
- S26 In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice 眼睛接触后,立即用大量水冲洗并征求医生意见;
- R22 Harmful if swallowed 吞咽有害
- R36/37/38 Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin 对眼睛、呼吸系统和皮肤有刺激性
GHS Symbol

- P261 Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray. 避免吸入粉尘/烟/气体/烟雾/蒸汽/喷雾。
- P305+P351+P338
- H315 Causes skin irritation 会刺激皮肤
- H335 May cause respiratory irritation 可能导致呼吸道刺激
- H302 Harmful if swallowed 吞食有害
- H319 Causes serious eye irritation 严重刺激眼睛
TYPE OF TEST : TDLo - Lowest published toxic dose ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Oral SPECIES OBSERVED : Human - woman DOSE/DURATION : 500 ug/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Behavioral - altered sleep time (including change in righting reflex) REFERENCE : HUPSEC Human Psychopharmacology. (John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Baffins Lane, Chichester, W.Sussex PO19 1UD, United Kingdom) V.1- 1986- Volume(issue)/page/year: 7,25,1992
- Sigma Aldrich:2192-20-3(sigmaaldrich)
- MOL 文件:2192-20-3.mol
- 用途一:具有安定及松驰横纹肌的作用,也有抗组织织胺作用和胆碱作用,适用于轻度紧张、焦虑、不安。
- 方法一:由1-[2-(2-羟乙氧基)乙基]哌嗪(见21815)与对氯二苯氯甲烷缩合、成盐而得。
- 上游原料:二苯氯甲烷 --> 1-(2-(2-羟乙氧基)乙基)哌嗪