Malathion impurity B 马拉氧磷
CAS 1634-78-2 MFCD00055461
- {SNA} All alphabetically sorted, Alphabetical Index of Analytical Standards, Analytical Standards, Analytical/Chromatography, Chromatography, Environmental Standards, H-M, M, MA - MD, Pesticides & Metabolites
- {SNA} Analytical Stan
- {SNA} Alpha sort, Alphabetic, Analytical Standards, Analytical/Chromatography, Chromatography, Environmental Standards, H-M, M, MA - MD, Pesticides & Metabolites
- {SNA} Analytical Standards, Chromatography, EP Standards, EP Standards L - M, Pharmaceutical Standards, Pharmacop
- An active metabolite of Malathion. It is a widely used anticholinesterase phosphorothioate insecticide.
- Levy, D., et al.: Biochem. Pharmacol., 35, 1079
- Short: IV/20A Title: Vapor Pressure and Antoine Coefficients for Hydrocarbons and Sulfur-, Selenium-, Tellurium-, and Halogen-Containing Organic Compounds Author: Dykyj, J.; Svoboda, J.; Wilhoit, R.C.; Frenkel, M.; Hall, K.R. Editor: Hall, K.R. Source: Landolt-Börnstein, New Series Volume: IV/20A Year: 1999 Keyword: organic compounds; vapor pressure ISBN: 3-540-64735-X ISBN: 978-3-540-64735-5 Internet Resource: DOI:10.1007/b71086 RefComment: VIII, 373 pages.
- Short: IV/20B Title: Vapor Pressure and Antoine Coefficients for Oxygen Containing Organic Compounds Author: Dykyj, J.; Svoboda, J.; Wilhoit, R.C.; Frenkel, M.; Hall, K.R. Editor: Hall, K.R. Source: Landolt-Börnstein, New Series Volume: IV/20B Year: 2000 Keyword: organic compounds; vapor pressure ISBN: 3-540-64968-9 ISBN: 978-3-540-64968-7 Internet Resource: DOI:10.1007/b71424 RefComment: VII, 320 pages.
GHS Symbol

- P262 Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. 不要接触眼睛,皮肤或衣服。
- P264 Wash hands thoroughly after handling. 处理后要彻底洗净双手。
- P270 Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. 使用本产品时不要吃东西,喝水或吸烟。
- P280 Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection. 戴防护手套/防护服/眼睛的保护物/面部保护物。
- P301+P310
- P301+P316
- P302+P350
- P302+P352
- P310 Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician. 立即呼救解毒中心或医生/医师。
- P316
- P321 Specific treatment (see … on this label). 具体治疗(见本标签上的)。
- P322 Specific measures (see …on this label). 具体治疗(见本标签上的)。
- P330 Rinse mouth. 漱口
- P361 Remove/Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. 立即去除/脱掉所有被污染的衣服。
- P361+P364
- P363 Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. 被污染的衣服洗净后方可重新使用。
- P405 Store locked up. 上锁保管。
- P501 Dispose of contents/container to..… 处理内容物/容器.....
- H301 Toxic if swallowed 吞食有毒
- H310 Fatal in contact with skin 皮肤接触致命
- S36/37/39 Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection 穿戴适当的防护服、手套和眼睛/面保护;
- S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible) 发生事故时或感觉不适时,立即求医(可能时出示标签);
- R24/25 Toxic in contact with skin and if swallowed 皮肤接触及吞食都有毒
TYPE OF TEST : LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent kill ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Administration onto the skin SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - rabbit DOSE/DURATION : 119 mg/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Behavioral - somnolence (general depressed activity) Lungs, Thorax, or Respiration - dyspnea Gastrointestinal - changes in structure or function of salivary glands REFERENCE : NTIS** National Technical Information Service. (Springfield, VA 22161) Formerly U.S. Clearinghouse for Scientific & Technical Information. Volume(issue)/page/year: OTS0534701
TYPE OF TEST : LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent kill ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Oral SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - mouse DOSE/DURATION : 215 mg/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Details of toxic effects not reported other than lethal dose value REFERENCE : JAFCAU Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. (American Chemical Soc., Distribution Office Dept. 223, POB 57136, West End Stn., Washington, DC 20037) V.1- 1953- Volume(issue)/page/year: 28,599,1980
TYPE OF TEST : LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent kill ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Intraperitoneal SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - mouse DOSE/DURATION : 75 mg/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Details of toxic effects not reported other than lethal dose value REFERENCE : WRPCA2 World Review of Pest Control. (London, UK) V.1-10, 1962-71. Discontinued. Volume(issue)/page/year: 3,28,1964
TYPE OF TEST : LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent kill ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Oral SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - rat DOSE/DURATION : 158 mg/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Details of toxic effects not reported other than lethal dose value REFERENCE : TXAPA9 Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. (Academic Press, Inc., 1 E. First St., Duluth, MN 55802) V.1- 1959- Volume(issue)/page/year: 9,408,1966
TYPE OF TEST : Mutation in mammalian somatic cells TEST SYSTEM : Rodent - mouse Lymphocyte DOSE/DURATION : 124 mg/L REFERENCE : SCIEAS Science. (American Assoc. for the Advancement of Science, 1333 H St., NW, Washington, DC 20005) V.1- 1895- Volume(issue)/page/year: 236,933,1987
TYPE OF TEST : Sex chromosome loss and nondisjunction ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Oral TEST SYSTEM : Insect - Drosophila melanogaster DOSE/DURATION : 5 ppm REFERENCE : EMMUEG Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. (Alan R. Liss, Inc., 41 E. 11th St., New York, NY 10003) V.10- 1987- Volume(issue)/page/year: 23,208,1994
TYPE OF TEST : Sister chromatid exchange TEST SYSTEM : Rodent - hamster Ovary DOSE/DURATION : 100 umol/L REFERENCE : JTEHD6 Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. (Hemisphere Pub., 1025 Vermont Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20005) V.1- 1975/76- Volume(issue)/page/year: 8,939,1981
TYPE OF TEST : Cytogenetic analysis TEST SYSTEM : Human Lymphocyte DOSE/DURATION : 132 mg/L REFERENCE : TCMUD8 Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis, and Mutagenesis. (Alan R. Liss, Inc., 41 E. 11th St., New York, NY 10003) V.1- 1980- Volume(issue)/page/year: 10,21,1990
TYPE OF TEST : TDLo - Lowest published toxic dose ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Intraperitoneal SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - rat DOSE : 8200 ug/kg SEX/DURATION : female 18 day(s) after conception TOXIC EFFECTS : Reproductive - Maternal Effects - other effects Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities - Central Nervous System REFERENCE : HETOEA Human & Experimental Toxicology. (Macmillan Press Ltd., Brunel Road, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 2XS, UK) V.9- 1990- Volume(issue)/page/year: 12,469,1993