Nitromethane-D3 氘代硝基甲烷-D3
CAS 13031-32-8 MFCD00044214
- {SNA} Aldrich High Purity NMR Solvents for Routine NMR, High Throughput NMR, Labware, NMR Solvents, NMR Solvents and Reagents, NMR Solvents, Tubes and Accessories, Nitromethane-d3, Routine NMR, Solvent by Application, Solvents, Solvents for High Throughput NMR, Spectroscopy Solvents (IR, NMR, UV/Vis), Stable Isotopes
- {SNA} NMR Solvents, NMR Solvents and Reagents, NMR Solvents containing an Internal Standard (TMS, TSP), Nitromethane-d3, Solvent by Application, Solvents, Spectroscopy Solvents (IR, NMR, UV/Vis), Stable Isotopes
- {uni_hamburg} no charge; isotope; 1fragment
- {SNA} Alphabetical Listings, N-O, NMR Solvents,
- Short: III/20a Title: Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy Data: Nuclei D ... Cl Author: Chihara, H.; Nakamura, N. Editor: Hellwege, K.-H.; Hellwege, A.M. Source: Landolt-Börnstein, New Series Volume: III/20a Year: 1988 Keyword: NQR ISBN: 3-540-18161-X ISBN: 978-3-540-18161-3 Internet Resource: DOI:10.1007/b31153 RefComment: IX,677 pages. Hardcover Abstract: Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy has become a standard method for structural research in molecular and solid state physics as well as for different branches of chemistry. The volumes cover data for more than 8,000 substances in the solid state. Data for free molecules have been published in volumes II/14 and II/15 of the New Series. The tables are arranged according to the atomic number of the elements.
- Short: III/31a Title: Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy Data: Nuclei D ... Cu Author: Chihara, H.; Nakamura, N. Editor: Hellwege, K.-H.; Hellwege, A.M. Source: Landolt-Börnstein, New Series Volume: III/31a Year: 1993 Keyword: NQR ISBN: 3-540-55146-8 ISBN: 978-3-540-55146-1 Internet Resource: DOI:10.1007/b43999 RefComment: VIII, 437 pages. Hardcover Abstract: Volume III/31 continues the compilation of nuclear quadrupole resonance spectroscopy data of solid substances which started in with volume III/20 in 1987 covering the literature from the beginning of nuclear quadrupole resonance spectroscopy in 1951 to 1982 and containing the data for 8000 substances in the solid state, distributed among three subvolumes III/20 a, b, and c. Volume III/31 covers the literature published in the period from the end of 1982 through the end of 1989. Included are the data for substances studied for the first time, as well as data for substances already present in the previous volume III/20 if the data published there could be completed or improved by new studies. In total there are 2500 substances in volume III/31, showing the scope and significance of nuclear quadrupole resonanc
- R10 Flammable 易燃
- R22 Harmful if swallowed 吞咽有害
- R5 Heating may cause an explosion 加热会引起爆炸
- S41 In case of fire and/or explosion do not breathe fumes 着火和/或爆炸时,不要吸入烟雾;
GHS Symbol

- H351 Suspected of causing cancer 怀疑致癌
- H331 Toxic if inhaled 吸入中毒
- H302 Harmful if swallowed 吞食有害
- H226 Flammable liquid and vapour 易燃液体和蒸气
- P261 Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray. 避免吸入粉尘/烟/气体/烟雾/蒸汽/喷雾。
- P304+P340+P312
- P280 Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection. 戴防护手套/防护服/眼睛的保护物/面部保护物。
- P210 Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. — No smoking. 远离热源/火花/明火/热的表面。——禁止吸烟。
- P370+P378
- P403+P233