Oxytetracycline 土霉素
CAS 79-57-2 MFCD00003700
- {SNA} Analytical Standards, Chromatography, EP Standards, EP Standards N - O, Pharmaceutical Standards, Pharmacopeia Standards, 分析/色谱
- {Chemicalbook} 饲料添加剂: 抗均促生长剂
- {SNA} Antibacterial, Antibiotics, Antibiotics A to Z, Antibiotics N-S, Antibiotics by Application, Chemical Structure Class, Genetic Marker Selection, Interferes with Protein Synthesis, L - Z, Mechanism of Action, Media, Microbiology, Spectrum of Activity, Supplements, Tetracyclines
- {SNA} Analytical Standards, Analytical/Chromatography, Chromatography, EP Standards,
- [2]. Pickens LB, et al. Oxytetracycline biosynthesis. J Biol Chem. 2010 Sep 3;285(36):27509-15.
- [3]. Oguz Guvenmez, et al. A New Treatment Method for Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1-related Skin Lesions. Scientific & Academic. 2019; 8(1): 6-8.
- [1]. Elia, A.C., et al., Transferability of oxytetracycline (OTC) from feed to carp muscle and evaluation of the antibiotic effects on antioxidant systems in liver and kidney. Fish Physiol Biochem, 2014.
- [1]. Elia, A.C., et al., Transferability of oxytetracycline (OTC) from feed to carp muscle and evaluation of the antibiotic effects on antioxidant systems in liver and kidney. Fish Physiol Biochem, 2014.
- [2]. Pickens LB, et al. Oxytetracycline biosynthesis. J Biol Chem. 2010 Sep 3;285(36):27509-15.
- [3]. Oguz Guvenmez, et al. A New Treatment Method for Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1-related Skin Lesions. Scientific & Academic. 2019; 8(1): 6-8.
GHS Symbol

- S26 In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice 眼睛接触后,立即用大量水冲洗并征求医生意见;
- S36/37/39 Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection 穿戴适当的防护服、手套和眼睛/面保护;
- R36 Irritating to eyes 刺激眼睛
- R63 Possible risk of harm to the unborn child 可能危害未出生婴儿
- P280 Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection. 戴防护手套/防护服/眼睛的保护物/面部保护物。
- P281 Use personal protective equipment as required. 使用所需的个人防护装备。
- P305+P351+P338
TYPE OF TEST : LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent kill ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Intravenous SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - rat DOSE/DURATION : 260 mg/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Details of toxic effects not reported other than lethal dose value REFERENCE : 85ERAY "Antibiotics: Origin, Nature, and Properties," Korzyoski, T., et al., eds., Washington, DC, American Soc. for Microbiology, 1978 Volume(issue)/page/year: 1,501,1978
TYPE OF TEST : LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent kill ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Intravenous SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - mouse DOSE/DURATION : 140 mg/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Details of toxic effects not reported other than lethal dose value REFERENCE : ARZNAD Arzneimittel-Forschung. Drug Research. (Editio Cantor Verlag, Postfach 1255, W-7960 Aulendorf, Fed. Rep. Ger.) V.1- 1951- Volume(issue)/page/year: 5,1,1955
TYPE OF TEST : TDLo - Lowest published toxic dose ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Parenteral SPECIES OBSERVED : Human - infant DOSE/DURATION : 136 mg/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Musculoskeletal - changes in teeth and supporting structures REFERENCE : LANCAO Lancet. (7 Adam St., London WC2N 6AD, UK) V.1- 1823- Volume(issue)/page/year: 1,827,1962
TYPE OF TEST : LDLo - Lowest published lethal dose ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Intraperitoneal SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - guinea pig DOSE/DURATION
TYPE OF TEST : LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent kill ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Intraperitoneal SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - mouse DOSE/DURATION : 5706 mg/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Details of toxic effects not reported other than lethal dose value REFERENCE : ANTBAL Antibiotiki. (Moscow, USSR) V.1-29, 1956-84. For publisher information, see AMBIEH. Volume(issue)/page/year: 20,793,1975
TYPE OF TEST : Sperm Morphology ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Unreported TEST SYSTEM : Rodent - rat DOSE/DURATION : 80 mg/kg/8D REFERENCE : JOURAA Journal of Urology. (Williams & Wilkins Co., 428 E. Preston St., Baltimore, MD 21202) V.1- 1917- Volume(issue)/page/year: 112,348,1974
TYPE OF TEST : TDLo - Lowest published toxic dose ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Subcutaneous SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - rat DOSE : 1 gm/kg SEX/DURATION : female 6-10 day(s) after conception TOXIC EFFECTS : Reproductive - Fertility - litter size (e.g. # fetuses per litter; measured before birth) Reproductive - Effects on Embryo or Fetus - fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus) Reproductive - Effects on Embryo or Fetus - fetal death REFERENCE : OSDIAF Osaka Shiritsu Daigaku Igaku Zasshi. Journal of the Osaka City Medical Center. (Osaka, Japan) V.4-23, 1955-74. For publisher information, see OIGZDE. Volume(issue)/page/year: 14,107,1965
TYPE OF TEST : TDLo - Lowest published toxic dose ROUT
TYPE OF TEST : TDLo - Lowest published toxic dose ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Subcutaneous SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - rat DOSE : 1 gm/kg SEX/DURATION : female 6-10 day(s) after conception TOXIC EFFECTS : Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities - eye/ear Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities - urogenital system REFERENCE : OSDIAF Osaka Shiritsu Daigaku Igaku Zasshi. Journal of the Osaka City Medical Center. (Osaka, Japan) V.4-23, 1955-74. For publisher information, see OIGZDE. Volume(issue)/page/year: 14,107,1965
TYPE OF TEST : TDLo - Lowest published toxic dose ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Unreported SPECIES OBSERVED : Human - woman DOSE : 420 mg/kg SEX/DURATION : female 1-39 week(s) after conception TOXIC EFFECTS : Reproductive - Effects on Newborn - other postnatal measures or effects REFERENCE : JAMAAP JAMA, Journal of the American Medical Association. (AMA, 535 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, IL 60610) V.1- 1883- Volume(issue)/page/year: 188,178,1964
- 可燃性危险特性:可燃, 火场排出氮氧化物辛辣刺激烟雾
- 用途三:土霉素的抗菌谱、抗菌原理与四环素基本相同。细菌对四环素、土霉素与金霉素之明月交叉耐药性。该品对肠道感染(包括阿米巴痢疾)的疗效较金霉素和四环素略好,其他适应症与四环素相同。
- 储运特性:库房低温, 通风, 干燥
- 类别:农药
- 毒性分级:中毒
- 方法一:由龟裂链霉菌(Streptomyces rimosus)发酵产生,在发酵液中加入碳酸钙,经过滤,将固体干燥而得。
- 急性毒性:口服- 大鼠 LD50: 4800 毫克/ 公斤; 口服- 小鼠 LD50: 2240 毫克/公斤
- 上游原料:碳酸钙 --> 淀粉 --> 草酸 --> 糊精
- 土霉素价格(试剂级):更新日期 产品编号 产品名称 包装 价格 2010/06/21 257705000 土霉素 Oxytetracycline , 'can be used as secondary standard' 500 MG 1399元
- 下游产品:盐酸多西环素 --> 盐酸土霉素 --> 强力霉素 --> 盐酸甲烯土霉素 --> 盐酸甲烯土霉素
- 用途一:属广谱抗菌素
- 参考质量标准:农业部标准(暂行) 水悬浮液(1+5)Ph 7.0~8.0 细度(过0.177 mm筛)/% 60 干燥失重/% ≤5.0 黄曲霉素/% ≤0.00001 重金属/% ≤0.002 砷(As)/% ≤0.0005
- 用途二:土霉素对革兰阳性菌和阴性菌均有抑制作用,也作为促进生长剂。用于2月龄以下的猪饲料,用量为15-50g/t;用于4月龄以下的猪饲料,用量为10-20g/t;用于鸡饲料,用量为5.0-50g/t,产蛋期禁用,停药期为7天。
- 比旋光度:-223 ° (c=1 0.03N HCl)
- 灭火剂:水, 二氧化碳, 干粉, 砂土
- Sigma Aldrich:79-57-2(sigmaaldrich)
- MOL 文件:79-57-2.mol
- MSDS 信息:4-(Dimethylamino)-1,4,4a,5,5a,6,11,12a-octahydro-3,5,6,10,12,12a-hexahydroxy-6-methyl-1,11-dioxo-2-naphthacenecarboxamide(79-57-2).msds
- 方法二:土霉素是由龟裂状链丝菌的培养液中提取的广谱抗生素。
- Acros Organics:土霉素/氧四环素 Oxytetracycline, 'can be used as secondary standard'(79-57-2)