Hemoglobin ,Bovine Erythrocytes 血红蛋白,来源于牛血液
CAS 9008-02-0 MFCD00131282
- {SA} Bioactive Small Molecules, Cell Biology, H, Media, Microbiology, Supplements
- Application Index, Biochemicals and Reagents, Enzymes, Inhibitors, and Substrates, Hemoglobin, Plasma & Blood Proteins, Plasma, Blood, and Related Proteins and Reagents, Proteins and Derivatives, Serum Proteins, Serum Proteins and Related Enzymes
- {SNA} Application Index, Cell Signaling Enzymes, Hemoglobin, Nitric Oxide Metabolism, Nitric Oxide Scavengers, Plasma & Blood Proteins, Plasma, Blood, and Related Proteins and Reagents, Serum Proteins, Serum Proteins and Related Enzymes,
- {SNA} Application Index,
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- Zang, T., et al., Chemical Methods For The Detection Of Protein N-homocysteinylation Via Selective Reactions With Aldehydes. Anal. Chem. 81 , 9065-71, (2009) 摘要
- Preston, A., et al., Monoclonal Antibody Development For Acrylamide-adducted Human Haemoglobin; A Biomarker Of Dietary Acrylamide Exposure. J. Immunol. Methods 341 , 19-29, (2009) 摘要
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