1-Nitropropane 1-硝基丙烷
CAS 108-03-2 MFCD00007407
- {SNA} Building Blocks, Chemical Synthesis,
- {SNA} Alpha Sort, Alphabetical Index of Analytical Standards, Analytical Standards, Analytical/Chromatography, Chemical Class, Chromatography, Environmental Standards, N, N-O, NA - NI, Nitro Compounds, Volatiles/ Semivolatiles
- {uni_hamburg} no charge; 1fragment
- Alpha Sort, Alphabetic, Analytical Standards, Analytical/Chromatography, Chemical Class, Chromatography, Environmental Standards, N, N-O, NA - NI, Nitro Compounds, Volatiles/ Semivolatiles
- {SNA} Building Blocks,
- 主要用作溶剂和中间体,喷气发动机燃料,喷雾剂等。
- (1)作为溶剂,对醇;酮;醚;酯,以及染料;油脂;蜡;树脂;合成橡胶均有很强的溶解力。与酒精并用是乙酸纤维的强力溶剂;与酒精;芒烃并用可代替氯化烃类溶剂溶解三乙酸纤维。作为低温溶剂可以溶解氯乙烯-乙酸乙烯的共聚物,还可用于溶解硝酸纤维。
- (2)为胺类;羟胺类;硝基羟基化合物;氯化硝基烷烃等化工产品的中间体,如硝基丙烷与甲烷在硫酸存在下水解,可得硫酸羟胺与丙酸。在医药工业中用于生产抗结核药盐酸乙胺丁酯。
- For an example of condensation with an aldehyde (Henry reaction), promoted by KF in IPA, see: Org. Synth. Coll., 9, 242 (1998). Other conditions recommended for the Henry reaction include the use of the basic ion-exchange resin Amberlyst® A-21, A17956: Liebigs Ann. Chem., 1994, 1235; J. Org. Chem., 59, 5466 (1994); Tetrahedron, 52, 1677 (1996), and aqueous NaOH in the presence of a surfactant-type catalyst (hexadecyltrimethylammmonium chloride): J. Org. Chem., 62, 425 (1997). Improved yields in condensations with cycloalkanones were obtained by the use of high pressure: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 23, 617 (1984).
- Short: II/27B
- Merck:14,6627 Beilstein:1,115
- For discussion of conditions for formation and chemistry of the ɑɑ- and ɑß- dilithio derivatives, see: Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis, L. A. Paquette, Ed., Wiley, Chichester (1995), vol. 3, p. 1946.
- Merck:14,6627
- Primary nitro-compounds are converted to nitrile oxides by reaction with POCl3 in pyridine: J. Org. Chem., 42, 3956 (1977). For example of 1,3-dipolar addition reaction of the nitrile oxide to give an isoxazole, see Ethyl (E)-3-(1-pyrrolidinyl)crotonate, L00461.
GHS Symbol

- H332 Harmful if inhaled 吸入有害
- H312 Harmful in contact with skin 皮肤接触有害
- H302 Harmful if swallowed 吞食有害
- H226 Flammable liquid and vapour 易燃液体和蒸气
- H302+H312
- H331 Toxic if inhaled 吸入中毒
- P307+P311
- P264 Wash hands thoroughly after handling. 处理后要彻底洗净双手。
- P271 Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.? 只能在室外或通风良好的地方使用。
- P261 Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray. 避免吸入粉尘/烟/气体/烟雾/蒸汽/喷雾。
- P305+P351+P338
- P280 Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection. 戴防护手套/防护服/眼睛的保护物/面部保护物。
- P501 Dispose of contents/container to..… 处理内容物/容器.....
- P240 Ground/bond container and receiving equipment. 与地面接触/连接集装箱和接受设备。
- P370+P378
- P303+P361+P353
- P337+P313
- P311 Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician. 呼叫解毒中心或医生/医师。
- P301+P312+P330
- R20/21/22 Harmful by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed 吸入、皮肤接触和不慎吞咽有害
- R10 Flammable 易燃
- R36/37/38 Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin 对眼睛、呼吸系统和皮肤有刺激性
TYPE OF TEST : LCLo - Lowest published lethal concentration ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Inhalation SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - guinea pig DOSE/DURATION : 5000 ppm/3H TOXIC EFFECTS : Details of toxic effects not reported other than lethal dose value REFERENCE : JIHTAB Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. (Cambridge, MA) V.18-31, 1936-49. For publisher information, see AEHLAU. Volume(issue)/page/year: 22,315,1940
TYPE OF TEST : TCLo - Lowest published toxic concentration ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Inhalation SPECIES OBSERVED : Human DOSE/DURATION : 150 ppm TOXIC EFFECTS : Sense Organs and Special Senses (Eye) - conjunctive irritation REFERENCE : JIHTAB Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. (Cambridge, MA) V.18-31, 1936-49. For publisher information, see AEHLAU. Volume(issue)/page/year: 28,262,1946
TYPE OF TEST : LDLo - Lowest published lethal dose ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Intraperitoneal SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - rat DOSE/DURATION : 550 mg/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Blood - methemoglobinemia-carboxyhemoglobin REFERENCE : BSPLA9 Bulletin de la Societe de Pharmacie de Lille. (Societe de Pharmacie du Lille, 3, rue du Professeur Laguesse, 59045 Lille, Franch) V.1- 1945- Volume(issue)/page/year: (4),131,1972
TYPE OF TEST : LC50 - Lethal concentration, 50 percent kill ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Inhalation SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - rat DOSE/DURATION : 3100 ppm/8H TOXIC EFFECTS : Details of toxic effects not reported other than lethal dose value REFERENCE : NPIRI* Raw Material Data Handbook, Vol.1: Organic Solvents, 1974. (National Assoc. of Printing Ink Research Institute, Francis McDonald Sinclair Memorial Laboratory, Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, PA 18015) Volu
TYPE OF TEST : Unscheduled DNA synthesis TEST SYSTEM : Rodent - rat Liver DOSE/DURATION : 1 umol/L REFERENCE : MUREAV Mutation Research. (Elsevier Science Pub. B.V., POB 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands) V.1- 1964- Volume(issue)/page/year: 221,263,1989
- 储运特性:库房通风低温干燥; 与氧化剂分开储运
- 方法一:1.由丙烷经硝化而得。先将丙烷放在预热器内于430-450℃进行预热,然后引入内衬玻璃或二氧化硅的反应塔内。反应塔有几处可向内部丙烷气喷注75%硝酸,反应温度调节到390-440℃,压力0.69-0.86MPa,丙烷与硝酸的摩尔比为5:1,由反应塔出来的气体,经冷凝器冷却,硝基丙烷与稀硝酸即凝缩。而丙烷与气态氧化物则由回收塔回收,丙烷循环使用。所得产品为硝基甲烷10%-30%,硝基乙烷20%-25%,1-硝基丙烷25%,2-硝基丙烷40%。该品也可经丙烯硝化得到。2.由丙烯等不饱和烃经气相或液相硝化,或饱和烃液相硝化亦可制得硝基丙烷。
- 有类似氯仿的气味。
- 1-硝基丙烷价格(试剂级):更新日期 产品编号 产品名称 包装 价格 2014/06/02 N0248 1-硝基丙烷 1-Nitropropane 500G 488元 2014/06/02 N0248 1-硝基丙烷 1-Nitropropane 25G 124元 2010/06/21 128905000 1-硝基丙烷 1-Nitropropane 98% 500 GR 441元
- 图谱信息:1-硝基丙烷(108-03-2)红外图谱(IR1) 1-硝基丙烷(108-03-2)Raman光谱 1-硝基丙烷(108-03-2)核磁图( 1 HNMR) 1-硝基丙烷(108-03-2)质谱(MS) 1-硝基丙烷(108-03-2)红外图谱(IR2) 1-硝基丙烷(108-03-2)核磁图( 13 CNMR)
- 爆炸物危险特性:与空气混合可爆
- 用途二:主要用作溶剂和中间体,喷气发动机燃料,喷雾剂等。(1)作为溶剂,对醇;酮;醚;酯,以及染料;油脂;蜡;树脂;合成橡胶均有很强的溶解力。与酒精并用是乙酸纤维的强力溶剂;与酒精;芒烃并用可代替氯化烃类溶剂溶解三乙酸纤维。作为低温溶剂可以溶解氯乙烯-乙酸乙烯的共聚物,还可用于溶解硝酸纤维。(2)为胺类;羟胺类;硝基羟基化合物;氯化硝基烷烃等化工产品的中间体,如硝基丙烷与甲烷在硫酸存在下水解,可得硫酸羟胺与丙酸。在医药工业中用于生产抗结核药盐酸乙胺丁酯。
- Sigma Aldrich:108-03-2(sigmaaldrich)
- 蒸气密度:3.1 (vs air)
- 类别:易燃液体
- 可燃性危险特性:易燃; 高热放出
- 用途一:主要用作溶剂和中间体,喷气发动机燃料,喷雾剂等。(1)作为溶剂,对醇、酮、醚、酯,以及染料、油脂、蜡、树脂、合成橡胶均有很强的溶解力。与酒精并用是乙酸纤维的强力溶剂;与酒精、芒烃并用可代替氯化烃类溶剂溶解三乙酸纤维。作为低温溶剂可以溶解氯乙烯-乙酸乙烯的共聚物,还可用于溶解硝酸纤维。(2)为胺类、羟胺类、硝基羟基化合物、氯化硝基烷烃等化工产品的中间体,如硝基丙烷与甲烷在硫酸存在下水解,可得硫酸羟胺与丙酸。在医药工业中用于生产抗结核药盐酸乙胺丁酯。
- 海关编码:29042000
- 急性毒性:口服-大鼠 LD50: 455 毫克/公斤
- TCI Shanghai:1-硝基丙烷 1-Nitropropane,>;98.0%(GC)(108-03-2)
- Alfa Aesar:1-硝基丙烷,98% 1-Nitropropane, 98%(108-03-2)
- Acros Organics:1-硝基丙烷 1-Nitropropane, 98%(108-03-2)
- 下游产品:异丁酸 --> 硝基乙烷 --> 2-硝基丙烷
- 职业标准:TWA 90 毫克/立方米; STEL 150 毫克/立方米
- 毒性分级:高毒
- MSDS 信息:1-硝基丙烷(108-03-2).msds
- 上游原料:硝酸 --> 硝基甲烷 --> 硝基乙烷 --> 2-硝基丙烷
- 外观性质:无色透明液体。
- 灭火剂:干粉, 二氧化碳, 砂土
- MOL 文件:108-03-2.mol